under the rainbow
creative strategies for positive change

what we do
We are committed to finding context-appropriate, innovative and creative strategies for solving complex challenges, and in striving for positive social change. Our approaches privilege listening to people in their own voices, including historically marginalised voices and perspectives.
We work to understand ‘real world’ social and cultural realities and challenges, drawing on the best lessons of our accumulated cultures, heritages, herstories and histories, combined with using newer (and older) tools, technologies and approaches for engaging with social challenges.
We provide a range of services in the following thematic areas:
Persistent Inequalities
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Intersectional Gender Justice
Women and Girls' Rights & Empowerment
Social Inclusion and Human Rights
Voice, Accountability and Meaningful Participation
We analyse, design, and evaluate social change interventions with a keen understanding of results and outcomes-based approaches, integrating participatory and feminist approaches.
We support organisations to focus on what they truly wish to change, and to develop realistic and creative strategies for achieving desired change objectives.
We undertake specialist research including participatory, feminist, inclusive, investigative and evaluative assignments across multiple sectors.
We support initiatives to embody their values and principles, supporting them to walk their talk, in intentional and accountable ways. We craft experiential learning processes, including courageous conversations, to build more consciously inclusive and equitable cultures.